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Current GOTTI Price: $Fetching Prices...


What is GOTTI Token?

The Gold Standard of Solana!

GOTTI's sole purpose is to be a token that is the envy of all meme tokens! GOTTI is here to be an ever-increasing store of wealth for its holders. The token is designed and created for investors by investors who understand the laws of supply and demand. Scarcity is the foundation upon which GOTTI is built, with a total initial supply of only 50,000 tokens and 42,000 current circulating supply! Over time we plan on doing random token burns, thus making GOTTI a deflationary cryptocurrency! 8000 Tokens Burned to date! You will soon witness the power of holding just 1 GOTTI! One token has the potential to hold a value that the crypto world has not seen since Bitcoin because currently, 1 GOTTI Token is 500 times more rare than 1 Bitcoin. GOTTI is here to become the Gold Standard on the Solana Blockchain!

Tokenomics & Info

Road Map

Nothing else matters more than the value of your investment! Our sole purpose and goal is to increase our market cap and provide incredible gains for GOTTI holders by building a community of like-minded investors. We will have a strong community presence on social media, where your founders will be directly interacting with the GOTTI community. Nothing in crypto is ever built alone; we understand the value of community, and if you put your holders' needs first, greatness awaits all those who choose to become one of the members of GOTTI. An adventure of epic proportions is here, and we invite you to join us!


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